Dr Julia Ravey

Sara Cameron Talent Management are the Agents for Dr Julia Ravey.


Julia is a Science Communicator and Neuroscientist and can be heard presenting the BBC Sounds podcast ‘Mental Muscle’.

Julia has a PhD in Neuroscience at University College London (UCL), focusing her research on Alzheimer’s disease neurobiology. Throughout her PhD, Julia developed a passion for creatively communicating science using social media and her brain-based social media platforms have accrued millions of views and a huge following across the globe. She has recently presented on BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons, participated in BBC Bitesize “Take on the Teacher” tutoring GCSE biology and hosted an episode of a new science documentary series due to air globally in Autumn 2022. Julia has been TikTok Educational partner, creating neuroscience-based content for the platform, and has her own YouTube channel about how the brain works. She writes brain-based articles for Kwik Learning; a world renown learning organisation; and her personal blog has gained her recognition in the press.

In addition to her academic background, Julia has a strong grounding in performing, having achieved her Grade 8 LAMDA in acting and performance with distinction, UCL Arts Centenary Colours award for performance as well as a multitude of professional achievements in singing, dancing and music. Julia’s unique combination of being a subject-matter expert in neuroscience and her wealth of performance experience makes her an ideal presenter for communicating complex subjects to a broad audience.

Julia has written her first book Braintenance due for publication on 12th January 2023 by Pan Macmillan. Up until recently Julia was a Presenter and Producer at The Naked Scientist and the shows were broadcast on BBC Five Live on Sunday evenings, on ABC RN Australia on Friday nights and podcasts every Tuesday.